Saturday, February 14, 2009

Four Most Important Benefits of Outsourcing IT Services for Small Business


One of the most important advantages of harnessing the power of information technology (IT) is the ability to compete squarely with your competitors. The marker and business landscapes are always changing. The rules are changing. What could be effective today may be obsolete tomorrow. Hence, information technology is indispensable in business operation.

But not all small businesses can afford to host or manage their own IT department.   “It is needed. Yes. But it is expensive!”   A familiar protest I would normally hear from my clients whenever we chance upon on the issue of IT’s importance in business.  My ready rebuttal is canned, actually.  “Why not outsource your IT requirements.”

Here are four of the most important benefits of outsourcing IT services for Small Business:

  • First, as always, it is cost-effective. It is! IT personnel nowadays are among the highest paid in the industry. Not to mention, hardware requirements require huge investment. You need not worry about this when you outsource your IT. More so, you will be able to avoid the hidden cost of chasing newer technology. See, for example what a Manhattan IT services provider, such as iCorps, can deliver.
  • Second, in relation to the above, with IT outsourcing, you can always leverage the provider’s extensive investments in technology, methodologies, and people without you shelling any dollar for it. The burden to continually improve is on their side, not yours.
  • Third, when you outsource your IT, you will never be left behind technologically which normally ends in technological obsolescence. This will also cushion you from the impact of the rapid advancement in or development of new technologies.
  • Lastly, you can focus more on the core functions of your business in terms of investment, training, productivity, and efficiency of processes. These are the functions that you should devote you time, resources, and effort more. Let the experts take care of your IT requirements.

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