Monday, March 23, 2009

ITV looks at outsourcing to cut costs


The commercial broadcaster is close to outsourcing its technology division and is aggressively pursuing a range of similar deals throughout the group.

"We are currently conducting a cross-company outsourcing review. Our technology division is at an advanced stage in this project and we will be announcing the results in the near future," said an ITV spokesman.

The spokesman refused to comment on whether this would lead to more job cuts than the 600 announced at ITV's full-year results earlier this month. One industry analyst said that a large-scale back-office outsourcing deal would save ITV at least 10pc of its variable cost base.

Sources close to ITV said potential outsourcing deals outside of back-office functions were also being identified. International distribution is thought to be one area under review, although industry sources said this was not top of the agenda and ITV would only take this route if the cost savings were significant.

ITV executives have come under increased pressure to deliver further cost savings across the group.

Earlier this month, the broadcaster announced losses of £2.7bn after taking a large-scale write-down.

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