Thursday, April 2, 2009

WA electricity retailer Synergy not outsourcing jobs to India


WA power retailer Synergy has backed down on a plan to outsource up to 160 jobs to India.

Energy minister Peter Collier told Parliament the state-owned company would retain back-office jobs in WA, and would also invest more in training its own staff.

However, the utility would still achieve cost savings of $75 million in the next five years which would "have a positive impact on customers power bills", he said.

Mr Collier promised that anyone using Synergy's call centre would be answered by someone in WA.

The company would boost its local capability by bringing in outside experts to train locals, as well as setting up a new IT centre. A global IT company would also be set up in the state.

About $2 million would be spent on training in the next nine months, and the expertise would be provided by local companies.

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