Wednesday, February 18, 2009

SYBE Grows as Doctors Weigh Benefits of Outsourcing Billing Headaches


When we have a chronic headache or pain in our posterior we go to our doctor. When doctors discuss such ailments they are often referring to their growing discomfort due to enormous insurance paperwork overloads and Medicare frustration. The mounting burden consumes limited, valuable patient time according to SYBE Medical Management, a Los Angeles-based firm specializing in improving the bottom line for a growing list of physician offices.

"As physician practices attempt to remedy the paperwork problem many are looking at outsourcing to professionals who are trained and efficient in streamlining the billing process," says Steven Garrett, manager of SYBE Medical Management.

"One of the initial concerns by doctors when considering outsourcing is loss of control," added Garrett. Unless a doctor stays after hours and personally processes the billing it is really being "outsourced" to internal staff. If the doctor has a staff handling the billing process it is often delayed or sent to insurance companies with incomplete information or coding errors because the process is among other office responsibilities of the staff. Control is actually gained by outsourcing because of the timely, sophisticated reports generated for the physician by the outsourcing firm.

The cost of an office staff to manage billing is much more than an hourly rate. Doctors need to consider employee benefits such as vacation, insurance, retirement plans, sick days and matching employee FICA obligations. Outsourcing eliminates all of this. There is no "down time" due to sick days or vacation. Outsourcing firms such as SYBE Medical Management work on a percentage. And that is a good incentive in itself to work hard and efficiently for the doctors.

Most doctors have an existing staff employee as a liaison between the practice and the outsourcing firm. SYBE's staff is trained and professionally communicates throughout the process; getting the required information from the doctor's office and promptly submitting forms for processing. If a doctor's staff processes the billing, turnover can be a burden leaving significant down time until a new person is trained and up to speed.

"Successful businesses in all industries are realizing gained efficiency and lower costs through outsourcing," says Garrett. "Why should the medical profession be any different? SYBE has experienced a consistent growth in business in 2008 due to this 'win-win' process."

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